🍃Super moist cake🍃

Finally, covid-19 has made me do tons of baking I have made a lot of different types of cake’s with and without oven so, basically my kids love to eat cakes. Below is the recipe of quick and easy snack time tea cake which is loved by everyone in the house including the elders let us start the recipe shall we. This cake has some basic ingredients which are mostly found in the house pantry.

  1.               2 Eggs
  2.               1 cup Flour
  3.               Half cup Oil
  4.              1 tsp Vanilla essence
  5.              Half cup Sugar
  6.              1 tsp Baking Powder
  7.              1 pinch Baking Soda
(make sure that you use measuring cups to measure the ingredients as wrong measurements tend to spoil the cakes)

      6 x 6-inch pan circle or square greased with little bit of oil.
First things first pre heat the oven to 180 C Gas mark 4 and bake it for 40 to 50 mins until the wooden pick comes out clean when inserted.
Firstly, beat eggs and sugar until they are foamy. In another bowl sift the flour, baking powder and baking soda mix them all together. In the wet ingredients add vanilla essence, oil and milk beat them all with the help of the beater when it is all done. Mix all the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients are well combined. Now shift the batter into the mold and tap it on the shelf so that no air bubbles are formed when the cake is being baked.

Vola! Your tea time cake is ready to be served.
This cake is so soft and delicious!

I will share more recipes soon so don't forget to subscribe to my blog!

Until next time take care!

Love x